Real. Raw. Relatable.
Lyz Evans
Womens Health Physio. Researcher. Educator. Clinic Director. Mum.
Clinical Masters: Womens Health and Continence. B.App.Sci: Phy.
I’m here as a Women’s Health Expert to speak up, educate and be a voice for change. I’ll be sharing real stories, raw opinions and relatable research. I strongly believe we should all have access to cutting edge clinical information to make intelligent and informed choices for our health. As a health care professional I’m here to share information and insights from within the heath care walls to the women it directly impacts.
My mission is to armour women with quality information to enable them to make better choices for their health.
Health is an investment not an expense.
Dive deeper. Beyond the surface.
Self care is selfless not selfish.
Exercise; embrace it don't fear it.
Optimal health care requires two ears, an evidence informed brain, experienced hands and an open heart.